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The Kickstart Scheme is a 6-month paid job with a local employer, funded by the Government. Jobs from the Kickstart Scheme are open to 16-24 year olds, who are claiming Universal Credit, and are at risk of long term unemployment. If you have a work coach they will talk to you about the Kickstart Scheme and whether it’s right for you.

Businesses across Leicester are able to offer unemployed young people guaranteed jobs as part of a new scheme taking place in the city.

The scheme comes at a time when the impact of the coronavirus lockdowns is being felt in terms of job losses, and offers an opportunity for people who have been made redundant from one job sector to gain valuable new skills, experience and training in another.

The local authority’s role will be to act as an intermediary between applicants and local firms, putting candidates in touch with employers across Leicester who want to fill job vacancies. 

Youngsters taking part in Kickstart would be guaranteed a job for at least six months, which could also lead to apprenticeships or further work placements. 

Leicester assistant city mayor responsible for jobs and skills, Cllr Danny Myers, said: “This is an excellent opportunity for young people who are receipt of Universal Credit to get a helping hand onto the employment ladder, through six-month placements in high-quality job roles within local firms.

Our charity has roles on offer and if you take on a Kickstart placement you might be able to progress to an apprenticeship with us.

Use this link to see how to let the DWP know that you are interested in the Kickstart scheme

Once you have been referred by your workcoach CLICK HERE for an application form.