James’ started volunteering for our charity in 2018 and consequently successfully applied for a job as a community tutor on our Strike Out project.
He uses his skills acquired from his previous employment in hospitality and catering and takes the lead on our Level 1 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry course. He has updated his health and safety qualification and has attended several courses to enhance his teaching skills where he specialises in food preparation and production, often using this as a way encourage young people to improve their learning.
During the national lockdown James worked at Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Centre playing a key role in our emergency food parcel scheme helping to prepare meals and delivering them to families in the local community.
James says that "Volunteering is an essential service that gives you a positive feeling that you’ve done something good and is well worth spending time doing”. As a community tutor working with young people he finds developing new activities to help them improve their basic skills particularly rewarding.